How can I tell if she likes me ?

Read my other posts for context or you maybe have seen but thank you all for answering my questions - After reading all your comments, it seems like many people on the spectrum are very honest and direct with their communication. Is this usually the case?

I’ve noticed with someone I’m close to, she’ll express how she feels in a way that’s comfortable for her. Sometimes she’s very direct, while other times she drops hints or communicates through actions.

If so it’s weird to me for someone to be so upfront an honest. It’s sometimes gets me a little confused? I’ve had her make videos dedicated to me and post them online. Make wonderful Christmas card that brought me tears and all of a sudden she calls me #1. Most importantly said how at ease she feels when talking to me about her daily struggles with autism because event though I’m not I’m will to listen, learn and understand everything!

Over the past few weeks, as things between us have gotten more intense emotionally, I’ve started to feel like I’ve missed a lot of opportunities to ask the question (about where we stand or how we feel about each other). It’s like she’s said or done enough for me to see it, but I didn’t act on it when I had the chance.

Does this resonate with how communication often works for people on the spectrum? Would love to hear your thoughts!