It's so bizzare how most Christians haven't read the entire Bible
I'm a pretty casual Harry Potter fan. Yet I've read all the books and watched all the films.
I've also watched like 14 seasons (or however many there are) of The Walking Dead over the span of over a decade, yet I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore fan, just someone who enjoys that genre.
Now here we have Christians, people who are such fans of the Bible that they consider it sacred. People who are so fond of the supposed author that they worship him and pray to him every day. People who are such big fans that they go around trying to convince others to check it out for themselves.
And yet... Many of them have not even read the whole Bible from front to back. They show up to Church every Sunday and the priest reads them a hand-picked, curated verse that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Yet if the priest were to choose a verse completely at random, chances are pretty high he'll read out something pretty horrible.
And when Christians are told about the horrors in the Bible, many respond with "Oh I've never heard that one but I'm sure God didn't mean it like that."
But do they go and actually read the bible to see what other horrors they can find? No! They just go online and search up a nice warm and fuzzy verse to reassure themselves that God is loving.
This is more than just living in denial and ignorance. They literally refuse to read the book they consider sacred, because they know what they find won't be what they want to see.
And those that actually do spend time to read it either become Atheists, or go in the other direction and become extremists. But the average Christian has no idea what's in the book they value so much, and that is absolutely shocking.