Airport/Airplane etiquette for the Indian soul
So, last month we had an embarrassing incident about this idiot abusing pilot physically on the plane because of a delay! This incident made us realize we Indians are indeed some of the worst set of travelers anywhere around the world. It is true that we’re frowned upon often when we fly internationally. I’ve flown a lot, both domestic & international, and I can recall the number of inconsiderate people (both Indian & foreign) I’ve flown with. Not a pleasant experience at all!
Here are some basic etiquettes we can follow to make life easier, not just for us, but also for others:
In airport checkin lines, Always follow the queue & NEVER cut in line (even if you have a family member in the front). This is plain rude & disrespectful to people who’re following the queue. Remember you’re getting on the same plane, you can survive without seeing them for a few hours!
Concept of personal space- Unfortunately, in our country, we have no concept of a personal space (case in point- crowd in our trains & buses). Try to respect the concept of personal space, especially while waiting to board/deboard. Don’t rush to collect your luggage as soon the plane lands.
This probably should have been the first point- Be respectful/kind/courteous. Doesn’t matter if it’s your co-passengers or flight crew or the airport cleaning crew. Always always be kind.
Time management- Try to reach the airport well ahead of time, to account for any traffic/crowd at checkin counters. If you arrive on time, it not only helps you, but you’re also being considerate of others.
This is a no brainer- Avoid wearing flashy clothes/expensive jewelry while in the airport or while traveling in general. Remember, you want to act like you belong, not stick out like a sore thumb!
For the love of god, please do NOT play loud music/watch YouTube/talk loudly on speaker, either in the airport or on planes. This is such a rude & inconsiderate thing to do. Always wear headphones/airpods or whatever it is that people use nowadays.
Let’s talk a little bit about seats now! If you have booked window seats in advance & someone is asking you to switch, you have all the rights to politely say NO to them. And even if you’re switching, it better be another window seat in a different row or an upgrade. Don’t ever agree otherwise.
And for people who ask for window seat, don’t be offended or throw a fuss if you’re told a NO. I’m sorry, but you’re an asshole for even asking. “But we friends are not sitting together!” Or “I’m separated from my wife who’s in a different row!” - well, that’s not MY problem. You should have booked it in advance. I’m not giving up my PAID window seat. 🤷
Inside a plane, please avoid talking really loudly. This is such an obnoxious thing to do & it irritates other passengers, when some are trying to catch some sleep. I’ve personally had the experience of dealing with a few late 20s group of friends once, on an overnight flight to Bangkok & these misfits were loud & obnoxious throughout the flight. Needless to say, that was a horrible few hours.
There is a polite way to recline your seat. Don’t just slam back the seat fast! Think of the person behind you & nicely ask if it’s okay to do so.
The overhead bin is NOT your personal space. What I mean by that, is if you don’t find a place to dump your luggage above where you’re sitting, it’s okay to shift it elsewhere. What you cannot do is shift another person’s luggage to a different row (which I’ve seen far too many times on my travels). Sliding bags a little here & there is fine though.
Don’t take up the entire armrest (unless there’s no one next to you or you’re in the middle seat).
Don’t wear excessive perfume/deodorant. Be mindful of how too much odor could affect people on the plane. And speaking of odors, avoid taking off your shoes (especially if you have smelly feet).
Please please do NOT talk on your phone especially during takeoff or just before landing. There’s a reason why airlines ask you to turn off your phone during these times or put them on flight mode. It is for YOUR safety & everyone else’s.
If you’re like me (who loves the window seat), and you wanna use the lavatory, politely ask your row-mates, excuse yourself and go. Don’t just abruptly rush through!
These are just some of the basic unspoken rules that we should all be following while flying. If you folks have more such rules, please do comment!
Happy flying! ✈️