Chance me for USC and UMich
Hi everyone!! I just got deferred from my top 3, and I would rly appreciate opinions on my chances for RD.
Demographics: Wasian, Female, Pennsylvania suburb, Private all-girls catholic school. Both parents are immigrants, one from the Czech Republic and one from Korea, fluent in Czech and Korean, and not applying for any aid
Hooks: Chronic illness-epilepsy
Major: Anthropology
GPA: 3.89UW, 4.08W
SAT: 1480
APs: Went online junior year because of seizures and could only take APs senior year so I only have 4
Top ECs:
AAA president
Intern/ Web designer- Helped launch a website for the medical center
Vice President-Helped develop an initiative that fundraises for educational programs by selling coffee
Vice President-Social entrepreneurship initiative with partner chapters that lobbies with Congress and raises funds for educational programs
Yoga certification
Edit: I’ve heard SOOO many conflicting things from different counselors, like some telling me not to waste the admissions fee because of a few B’s freshman and sophomore year and some telling me I have a really good chance. So I would really appreciate any feedback!!