Moderators Needed
So I’m much much more of a lurker on Reddit than anything, and am pretty ignorant when it comes to running communities. Would love to add a couple of yall to the mod list, in order to have this community be run well. If anyone is interested, please comment here or DM me! Since the community is small, and really just an adjacent to r/worldbuilding, I’m thinking maybe just two or three people. Thanks in advance!
Huge shoutout to:
u/grixit u/Knowledge_is_my_food u/Sparkletinkercat u/JudahPlayzGamingYT
For volunteering to be mods. As stated in the opening post, I really hope they don’t get overwhelmed as my wish is for this sub to be very leniently moderated. Be civil, no personal attacks, no real world politics, no advocating for violence, etc etc just be rational people and there shouldn’t be too much for anyone to do! Thanks again everyone for joining, I hope we can come up with some really cool ideas and worlds for your story, gaming, or just creative needs!