Looking for new members! (collab fantasy project)
I'm the founder of Qolabor [Discord link], a collaborative fantasy worldbuilding project. Our main goal is to create a comprehensive source book which can then be used as a basis for books, TTRPG campaigns and possibly other creative endeavors. We're always looking for avid worldbuilders, so feel free to join via the link above!
The project is driven entirely by volunteers, which, admittedly, means progress is sometimes slow. In any case, we have some very talented people in our ranks, and would love to welcome some new faces.
Personally, I'm currently working on two lore books (which I'll share on here soon) that should provide the most basic information about our world - things we've agreed on as a community - and set the stage for further lore books. I'm also finishing up a novel set in one of our world's regions, which will be provided free of charge to anyone interested.
To provide a bit of context (which should hopefully satisfy R3 and R4) here are some key aspects of our world:
- Our world has 4 continents, though one is purposefully left (mostly) uninhabited. You can see our map here: [Qolabor] Köppen climate map of our world
- The world is shaping up to be very diverse, featuring various cultures, religions, races (both terrestrial and oceanic), and magic systems. Our members draw inspiration from all sorts of sources, including wildly different cultures of Earth.
- Technology averages around the Early Middle Ages, but each region differs and isn’t a direct match to real-world history.
- We do have the classic fantasy races, but with our own twists.
- The basic setup of our world has a hint of sci-fi - one that will be revealed in the coming lore books.
Lastly, I'd be interested to know: Do you have any experience with collaborative worldbuilding? Are you interested in such a thing? Let me know!