Discord Rage Copypasta

you know i would absolutely murder you if you said any of this to me in person. its such a corny thing to say but i would fucking mutilate you. i can tell in many ways you are soft as baby shit and if i even breathed bear you you'd be shitting a turtle head. i could give a shit less about your fucking retarded worthless self defense training. i would fucking stomp the soul out of you on sight. you are worthless, you are a fucking ant that thinks anyone without the personality of you or your retarded fucking friends is "HURR DURR EDGY XDDD" your life literally, is as valuable as a summer ant, im just gonna stomp you and your gonna keep coming back. im gonna seal up all my cracks yet you STILL come back. why? because you smell the syrup. you fucking worthless bum. youre gonna stay on my dick until the day you die just because you refuse to find and actual hobby or passion. you serve zero purpose in life. do you have any fucking argument besides "CRINGE!! KID!!" what the fuck are you? some cunt in the comments of a tiktok video in 2020? are you gonna pull out the fucking clown emoji next you limp dick faggot. ive never seen someone so relentless to be seen. somebody's value so worthless that you'll throw piss-poor insults over and over. lets do you a favor and go to a 99 cents store, lets pick out a rope together. ill give you an assisted suicide