I created scoutzknivez 25 years ago AMA

Back around the year 2000 I made the original scoutzknivez map on my parents computer in the kitchen.

Why am I posting about this now? Mainly because I came across this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5Qt_Lg9zoc
It really brought me back, and I remembered how much I used to enjoy mapping and that one of my maps had inexplicably blown up in popularity years after I made it.
I've since been in touch with the video's creator and his community and they encouraged me to do an AMA. Seeing as how people seem to actually kinda care about this stuff I figured why not. Also I wanna give those guys a big shout out for bringing me back to an earlier time and reminding me of some happy memories!

Alright so to address the big question first: proof. Do I have any? Kind of but nothing as concrete as having the original map files or anything. It was 25 years ago, I was like 15 and I never expected any of this to happen so I didn't hold onto any of this stuff over the years sadly. I can answer technical questions about the map or whatever but I don't have the original files anymore.
One piece of proof that does still exist though is another map I created a few years after (as_rubble https://gamebanana.com/mods/387571) shares an obscure .wad file with scoutzknivez. If memory serves this .wad was put together by a good friend of mine (c0w) who ended up making a couple of the official DoD maps (charlie and overlord; edit: here is one of his cs maps https://gamebanana.com/mods/357036).

Anyway, I'm happy to answer any questions about scoutzknivez if I can. It was along time ago, I never expected it to blow up in popularity and I'm not even sure how it got out into the wild. I was an admin on the OneManRiot west coast server back in the day so maybe we played it on there once and people downloaded it but I don't remember for sure.

The original idea for the game mode came from another super old school west coast server called The-Space. We used to play italy (when you could get up on the roof tops) there every once in awhile with low gravity and only scouts and knives were allowed... or else an admin would kick you, very high tech! But it gave me the idea to create a goofy little map around the concept. I figured out I could use the entities for the old 'es' gameplay mode to control what everyone spawned with and ya that was pretty much it. It was just something I threw together really quickly. Putting an easter egg or something in it didn't occur to me at all at the time.