PSA: No reselling physical copies of Diablo IV, no aftermarket, etc

I'll start with a TLDR:

Diablo 4 disc won't work for whoever has it, only acts as a license for one account. No aftermarket, reselling of physical copies of the game will be present. Blizzard support response

Non-short version:

Many have been wondering about this, so I've decided to reach out to Blizzard support. I was initially asking about my particular situation - got the PC version of the game, also got a PS5 and was thinking about buying it and having cross progression as well as my gf being able to play the game.

Even here people were torn between "if you got the disc, whatever many players can use it. It's not tied to an account" and "we don't really know".

After asking various questions about my particular situation, I've dug a bit deeper with the helpful Blizzard support (no, it's not a dig, they've explained everything really thoroughly and were helpful at every point!) and it turns out, Diablo IV's physical copy will be practically useless after being tied to one account. One account, not one console; so if you have multiple people wanting to play on their own - say a family of couple brothers, or a significant other you would wish to play with - you will have to shell out for a copy for EACH interested party.

It won't come as a shock to some of you, but I've had some call me stupid for even asking the question, that it should work anyway. Sad to say I was right, but would like not to! Just thought I'd post a little PSA so people aren't shocked that they'd need multiple copies of the game on consoles if they wanted to play their own game.

Yeah, I know you could just "play on the main account and have a different character", but.. achievements ;)