So… my mentally disabled uncle could be in an abusive relationship
I actually don’t know what mental disability he has, but he’s slower (literally, he moves slower) than most people and he doesn’t understand most stuff.
I’m not that close to him but I’m still worried about him. He’s a really genuine and nice guy and I have nothing but good memories with him.
He’s married to a woman that I swear, the more I learn about her, the more I don’t like her. She has my uncle completely wrapped around her finger. He’ll go along with whatever she does and says and she’s both controlling and manipulative.
Before he married her, he was actually on disability, but then after they got married he got into a good cleaning job… but then she had him quit the job so she could “spend more time with him” and then he tried working at McDonalds, and he sadly didn’t last more than a week or two.
I can’t deny that she’s helped him in some ways. Before her he was scared of driving but now he has his driver’s license, and she helped my uncle get over his fear of dogs. She also helps him get out of the house more to do things with her.
But… that’s about all the good she’s done for him. She’s even ruining the relationship between my uncle and his mother (aka my grandma) because she’s being so demanding of my grandma and like I said, my uncle goes along with everything she does.
It’s so frustrating! I’m friends with him and his wife on Facebook, next time I see one of them online I’ll have to ask for my uncle’s number.
I’m stuck. Should I play nice with my uncle’s wife so I can contact my uncle? Because I have no doubt if she told him to stop contacting me or letting me contact him, he’d stop.
Ugh, to tell you I was mad at her would be the understatement of the century. She’s the main source of drama on my mom’s side of the family and I swear, the only person that even likes her is my uncle. I want to help my uncle out so bad 🥺 and my mom didn’t want me to tell anyone about this, but it’s also so relevant as to why I’m worried about my uncle. His wife was literally arrested for assaulting a woman before.
Since I’m not that close to him I can’t see if there’s any marks or bruises on my uncle, though… and she also could only do things that either don’t leave a mark or if she does leave bruises, they could easily be covered up by his shirt or something.
Yeah, my uncle isn’t in the best situation 😕