Ideas please, very unwell rescue duck

I have another rescue.

No vets are open and the after hours is not answering their phone (small town NZ).

This duck appears to have some injury but superficial flesh wounds. Clearly the main issue is this neck - hasn’t been able to lift her head up. I have given - amoxycillin, meloxicam, vitamin complex and electrolytes (initially via syringe).

She has some bubbling from the nostrils but it appears to be only when she drinks (probably from the angle).

She’s still able to stand and walk, just her neck (wry neck?)

After a few hours I asked my husband to prepare the axe as I felt it was cruel to keep her alive. As he was doing so she actually lifted her head ever so slightly and tried to eat some grass. I then put her beak in a slurry I’d made of duck pellets, honey, peas, and electrolytes and she actually ate, and drank some water on her own. She also let out an almighty quack and tried to run away from me, which I took as a positive sign.

I have no idea how long she’s been like this. But her first antibiotic dose was this morning and I saw this improvement this evening.

Anything else I can look for? I really want to bathe her (I have iodined her wounds) but I will wait for that as I don’t want to stress her further.

I will feel terrible if she doesn’t make it through the night - but I felt I had to give her a chance for the antibiotics to really kick in. She has improved.

Anything else you would do?

Note - this is not my video, this is by the lovely kind woman who found her.