Does blocking them make me look weak?

2018 has been the worst year for me yet. I got cheated on, emotionally abused, became depressed, and developed anxiety. My ex cheated on me back in June with his best friend (who is a girl). We took the space we needed and decided to try again in August. Turns out ever since we broke up in June he has continued his cheating ways and has continued to be a selfish asshole. He’s been cheating on me with the same girl., she claims to be innocent to the entire situation, but she knew exactly what she was doing. This has been going on for so long now and I officially blocked him and her on all forms of social media and phone numbers. Does blocking them and privating all my accounts make me look weak?

I’m only asking this because neither of them ever block me.. it’s like they want me to see something they post or say so I’m affected by it...which I usually am. I don’t want them to have access to my life after I’ve been put through so much pain. What should I do?