Entitled family on a plane
So this was a pretty crazy plane experience, happened a few weeks back flying Orlando-LA. I was seated in Main Cabin Extra (gotta love that extra couple inches) and this family was rather large, at least 7 people (3 adults, 2 preteens, 1 elementary school boy, and 1 toddler girl), divided among my row (though thankfully across the aisle) and the two in front. Though it shouldn’t matter, it was clear this family did not speak English as a first language, but the adults were at least capable of speaking and understanding it.
In my row was the Dad and toddler girl. She just decided she did not want to sit in her seat. So was standing in the aisle way. While the plane was taxiing! Twice flight attendants had to come up and tell her family she needs to be seated and buckled in. Of course she threw a fit and Dad didn’t even try to control her. Mom and elementary boy were in front of them and tried swapping kids, but it was just a nightmare. I could tell the flight crew was just exhausted and over it all, so they took the stance of, we told them to sit with seat belts. If they take them off once we walk away, we don’t know (I don’t know if that was quite the right approach, but I suppose it was better than dealing with the chaos of kicking them off the flight entirely).
During the flight, this family was just constantly up and down. Kids hanging off the seats in front of them, which happened to be the back row of first class. Anytime flight crew tried telling them to stop or settle, it wouldn’t last for long. And they would also constantly get up to use the first class bathrooms, which really shocked me that they weren’t stopped.
I looked over at one point and the toddler girl was finally asleep, however she was stretched out with her feet on top of the window seat passenger-who was not part of their group! Just a solo guy who got a bad break.
Finally when we landed I did say something to that guy and how I can’t believe he survived that flight. He agreed and said he just wanted to get home as fast as possible.
At baggage claim they let the kids run wild (and this was not a large claim, with lots of people crowded together).
Just really entitled/clueless/uncaring people all around!