Modpack is not working on server. Need help

I have a Minecraft server that I invite most of my friends to. I saw a cool modpack, called beyond death. I added souslike weaponry and fantasy armor medeival series. I then deleted elytra slot, modern fix, and first person model, as they were causing crashing. After deleting these, when I open the server, my game crashes. No crash report, no logs in my files for some reason, the game is closed for sure as I checked on task manager, no server logs. However, it works on single player. I tried making a new world, and then I opened it for a few seconds, it was night, and I died to a spider before loading in. Instant crash. Joined back, instant crash. Every time I make a new world on the server, it lets me play and move for a few seconds, before saving and erasing itself. Does anyone know the fix or what I should do?