Need an MD who can treat mastitis

Hi, my wife and I are getting desperate. She is dealing with a large breast abscess and it feels like her PCP/OB are dropping the ball. When she first had symptoms her PCP told her to just go to urgent care. Now it's a month later, we finally know for sure what she's dealing with but the place her OB referred her to told her they can't see her until April. Her antibiotics run out tomorrow, so she'll end up in the ER if she tries to wait that long. So I'm posting to ask if anyone in the area knows a good doctor than might be able to see her soon and drain the abcess. It's not a very complex procedure from what I can tell and we're willing to go out of network/travel if we have to. I think most surgeons could do this procedure but I'm not sure what specialty usually does this kind of thing (like I don't know why her OB can't do it). We're just not sure what to do with her primary care providers kind of leaving her hanging here. She needs this operation asap.

Edit: since ppl still replying just wanted to give update. She got a needle aspiration this morning but it did not get the mass out so she has to wait to get an incision. Still might end up at the ER