a little bit about Shshank — from an ex online fling

Hi. So I know nothing about this podcast or these people but I randomly thought about Shshank just now and decided to look him up online — to my surprise I see Reddit posts talking about him, which intrigued the hell out of me to say the least, and led me here

I met Shshank on tumblr back in 2011/2012. Him and I never actually met in person but we had an online thing on and off for a bit. However, he had the similar online flings with multiple girls. And as an early 20 something year old, I looked at every girl he followed/interacted with off tumblr 😂. He was dating a Canadian woman and a woman from Delaware at the same time (I don’t think they actually ever found out about each other?). So I’m not surprised that he must’ve met this woman online. He always would tweet random “celebrities” with witty jokes and he’s charming as hell with women; like borderline mean but it’s endearing for some reason? lol

I haven’t interacted with him in 9 years, so for all I know he’s grown up and changed. But I will say, the last time I did interact with him, he randomly followed me on instagram out of nowhere (had not talked to him in a few years at that point) and hit on me hard through DM’s…. while I was clearly in a relationship (boyfriend was plastered all over my grid). Constantly replying to my stories, etc. but as soon as I didn’t show any interest in him at all, he unfollowed me shortly after that lol

But yeah, I’m assuming he either tweeted, commented, or slid into this woman’s DM’s? since that seems to be his M.O. Again, maybe Shshank changed, but at the time, he was the epitome of a “fuck boy”.

Using a throwaway because I want to stay anonymous

Edit: attached a screenshot of my IG DM thread