Petition to ban users active on popular Indian subreddits

Can mods please add auto-ban for users who are active on certain Indian subs? This sub has more anti-gujjus active than actual gujjus, post anything and comment section is filled with ગાંડ બડેલા લોકો saying random bs without any knowledge about Gujarat, our history, society or culture at all. These people usually try to get reactions out of Gujjus in other Indian subs but as we aren't active there they start doing same shit here, can we make this sub more peaceful for locals like r/PahadiTalks did?

I'm talking about these subs to be specific : r/india r/unitedstatesofindia r/mumbai

there are a few more which mods might already be aware of, please consider doing something about it, or we might as well start using r/Karachi instead because even they don't hate Gujaratis like other Indians do