If you believe in evolution, you have to reject Kalpabedha

When I mean evolution, I mean that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and that humans evolved from single celled organisms. You also have to believe in continental drift.

If you believe all this, and I do, this is in conflict with the Puranic conception of the Kalpas

For example, Vaivasvata Manu lived roughly 27 yugas ago, and if you do the math that is roughly 120 million years ago. Humans did no exist, our ancestor was a small mammal walking amongst dinosaurs. That would make it impossible for Manu Vaivasvata and the flood narrative to exist.

Not only that, but Manu’s boat after the flood landed on the Himalayas, but 120 million years ago, the Himalayas were not existing. India did not collide with Asia until about 55 million years ago.

So unless you think Vaivasvata Manu was an Eomaia, or that Manu lived in an alternate pocket dimension, you have to reject the idea of Puranic Kalpas and Kalpa Bedha. You will simply have to take such statements in the Puranas regarding Mahayugas and Manvantras as poetic devices that Eulogies the antiquity of the Gods and the Earth.