How to lose weight while being on Prednisone ?

I’m a 25 F, and I’ve gained 8kg now around 57-58 kg and I am 155 cm tall. I also have a bloated belly and a moon face due to taking prednisone and other immunosuppressants.

In November 2024, I was diagnosed with Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis along with double pneumonia in both lungs. At that time, I weighed around 49-50 kg on average.

I really dislike how I look now, especially because of the moon face, and I’m feeling frustrated with the changes.

I also have COPD, which means I can’t do intense exercises because they lead to breathlessness, and my oxygen levels drop to 83-84%.

Can anyone give me advice on how to lose weight while on prednisone? It’s been a really tough experience.

I am currently tapering off and on 15 mg prednisone daily . Earlier I took 40 mg for 2 months.