I want to make an Ironman but am afraid of restarting?

TL:DR, Title + Stuck at Vorkath/Can't decide between restarting as Iron or paying for 99's through G.E since Main

I'm currently 1671 total level and have 148/156 quests done, I'm afraid of restarting to make an Ironman though I keep thinking about it. I have more free time then most & enjoy spending a lot of it playing Runescape. I'm proud of where my account is at with the time I've put in as well as with the knowledge I started with. I first heard of Runescape in 4th grade(2007), and only played it for a short time as a f2p player and while knowing nothing the game was a blast. As a kid I got lured by a friend to the Wildy & it ended up making me quit, discouraged I played other games throughout my time on the internet. December of 2022 comes around and I find something called "Gielinor Games", instantly I was hooked & wanted to play this game I hadn't heard about in so long. I didn't do any research on the game or at least not to my knowledge, I finished Tutorial Island and was ecstatic to get lost in the vast world of endless adventures. As time went by I started watching more content and learning about the game and how to get "better" and it was all so fun to learn. I'm by no means great at the game, I'm just another player playing. As time has passed and I've unlocked access to more bosses, ways to train xp, & make more gp/hr I find myself just logging in to farm Vorkath day after day. Since I'm a main that's what it seems like the "best to do", make money to make Vorkath die faster, then profit so number go up... I find myself not really enjoying content for the game anymore besides Ironman series, seeing each action have a more meaningful impact on the next seems so fun. Keeping up with herb runs to keep your potion tab stocked, having to go out and fish so you can attempt that next Jad attempt, even risking and I mean actually risking stuff out in the Wildy with no G.E to buy it back. It just all looks so fun, I'm lost on what I want to do, I tend to follow the pathway of efficiency means everything so as a Main it seems like the best way to train other skills is through mass amounts of gp. Can't decide if I want to restart and make an Iron or continue as a Main making money to buy my 99's. Any advice is greatly appreciated.