Ivern skill level?
Howzit everyone,
To keep things short and to the point; I'd like to know if a low elo dumb potato like myself should bother learning Ivern yet, or wait until I hear something about an Ivern change in the future?
I tried the champion some time ago, somewhere between end last year and first two months this year and couldn't quite get the hang of Ivern. First I got humbled that he's more of a support and squishier than I'm used to in the Jungle (Bruiser/Tank jungler). Gave it a break and came back later with a better idea but I got counter-jungled everytime and I became a walking Minion for the enemy. I probably should have tried more than 6 games with Ivern but I felt he was too squishy to be worth the hassle.
"If you're a beefy jungler why'd you think Ivern would be easy!?"
I didn't, I played more carefully like I would if I was playing Fiddlesticks but I still overestimated Ivern.
Thing is I always liked the idea of Ivern. I just don't know if I should wait until I'm higher level so I'm matched with people that know what teamwork is, only play him when I'm playing with my pre-made friends, or just leave him for another day?