New viewers…

To help you understand some of the jokes in Jason’s streams here’s the basic lingo that know. Not 100% accurate but mostly correct. 1. Yam: Refers to a very large nose. 2. "Wanna watch Dune 2?": A joke that originated during an Airbnb trip with Jason and his friends, meaning "Do you wanna get freaky?" 3. RELAX: Jason’s response when a crackhead attacked him at night, which turned into a meme. 4. Pumpkins: traumatized Jason was hit with a pumpkin by the crackhead. 5. "She’s TOO YOUNG": Jason’s way of saying he isn’t attracted to a girl without being mean, instead of calling her “mid” 6. Blackballing/blackballed: Banning people from his chat or not associating with a person 7. 0 : when people spam the letter o they are referring to his ex 8. Assept: when they say this, it means if you weren’t invited don’t ask to go. 9. Ta: he’s a fucking bug idk he died but he lives through the emote 10. Jason’s friend groups - vsb short for Vietnamese sexy boys. - oscs short for “on some chill shit” - bsb short for honestly idk better sexy boys? - And before yall tell me to get a life i have one, im just on the toilet rn bored asl