The misuse of English in Kpop songs bothers me 100%

´i love dancing i love ma friends sometimes we swear without cigarettes’ ‘do you wanna upside down’ ´close your mouth, shut your tongue’ ‘I’m a smarter’ ‘U will gotta be only one’

I know we tend to talk a lot about the misuse of AAVE, but personally, it's the direct misuse of English that really bothers me. Many will say that it's childish, that it's not to be taken seriously and that lyrics are of little importance in Kpop, that it's borderline imperialistic or a colonial mentality to demand that they use correct English, but it's precisely for these kinds of arguments that the genre will never be taken seriously (of course, there are other elements to take into account, such as Western xenophobia and so on). For me, the lyrics of a song are very important and personally, I only listen to artists who write good lyrics so hearing things who do not make sense can very quickly lower the quality of a song in my opinion.

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