Fictional World: Anti-Fascism Loadout?

I'm a recreational shooter. I like going to the range with my range bag. I like hauling out the various pistols and trying to get a tight grouping. My partner is the same. We own a number of 45, 9mm and 22 pistols. All big fun to shoot.

We have never worried about self-defense. We have never worried about home invasion. We have not been 2A people for any other reason than "guns are fun."

So let's pretend for a moment -- hypothetically -- that I wanted to arm up to defend myself against a potentially malicious group of folks coming towards my home. Or I needed to join a militia to defend the US Constitution.

What long guns would you buy in this fictional world to be a prepared participant?

Because I'm pretty sure those would be big fun guns to shoot at the range and I'd love to have bigger fun at the range.