PopClip is amazing

The more I work with popclip and learn about the available extensions for it, the more I like it and use it.


Some of the extensions that I use all the time include these:
Google search https://www.popclip.app/extensions/x/ckrwqw
Amazon search https://www.popclip.app/extensions/x/z7bjka
Terminal - Runs the selected text as a command in the current terminal window. - https://www.popclip.app/extensions/x/8jj623
ChatGPT App - Send the text to the ChatGPT App. - https://www.popclip.app/extensions/x/vddyn2
Wrap - from Brett Terpstra's popclip extensions collection https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/downloads/BrettsPopclipExtensions1.45.5.zip

...and all of the formatting ones e.g. case changes, bold, italic, and so forth

PS - I am not affiliated with the seller of popclip, I just like it and wanted to recommend it.