Does anyone else get frustrated by the endless tedium of it???
Just that constant, everyday 'will I have one today?' The barely hidden eyeroll when you tell someone, "I can't today, I have a migraine." Never being able to have a drink in a bar or resturant, and having to reassure everyone that, no, you're not in recovery, you don't mind if they drink, but you can't. My mother constantly asking, "But why do you get so many migraines? Have you tried ..." (she means well.) And the endless - endless - advice. Drink more water. Take supplements. Change your diet. Exercise. On and on, ad infinitum.
I know it's annoying for the people around us, but it isn't as if we want this! I just want to have a glass of wine now and again, or a beer. A chai tea from Starbucks. To not care if there's a storm coming. Just all of the normal stuff I used to do.
I miss it. Thanks for letting me rant.