Gen Z is being unfairly criticized by the Millennials for the results of the 2024 US Election
FINAL EDIT: Well, if you guys ever want to claim that baseless generational/demographic hatred is solely the domain of X other generation, then I think this kind of proves that, indeed, Millennials are capable of it too. You all have spent the last 3 months hating on Gen Z for being "Far-Right", "Voting in Trump", being "incels", when in reality y'all voted the PRECISE SAME WAY, albeit 1% more in favour of Trump in general and for the male demographic. PURE COMEDY.
EDIT 2: NO ONE is still telling me exactly why Gen Z in particular is getting dogged on by this subreddit and being called 'Far-Right' etc, when your generation practically voted in exactly the same way, though Millennials actually voted slightly more in favour of Trump? Where is the criticism and labelling of your own Generation, because surely if Gen Z is terrible and Far-Right for their voting direction in this election, then the Millennials must be too considering they voted more in favour of Trump than Gen Z? I suspect in actuality, none of you actually knew precisely how your generation voted in the election either, and have been making assumptions that Gen Z is more Right-Wing based off sensationalist headlines without knowing that the Millennials where actually very slightly more in favour of Trump.
EDIT: In response to comments about the gender gap, I will add that males aged 18-29 (mostly Gen Z cohort) voted 55% in favour of Trump, however males aged 30-44 (the Millennial cohort) voted 56% in favour of Trump and that 55% of males across ALL age groups voted for Trump - My post isn't really about discussing why Trump won or why people voted in the way they did, but I am mainly just trying to understand the reason why you focus solely on Gen Z when both Gen Z and the Millennials voted similarly. Why is Gen Z receiving such a lot of flak on this subreddit for voting in practically PRECISELY the same way your generation did?
I just wanted to write this, because for some reason there seems to be a belief on this subreddit that Gen Z is overwhelmingly Far-Right / MAGA Trump Cultists.
Based on my research, 46% of Gen Z voted for Trump, 47% of Millennials voted for Trump. 51% of Gen Z voted for Harris, and 50% of Millennials voted for Harris.
So, in reality, both Generations, just like the rest of the US, are almost evenly split into two camps. However, despite what's being thrown around, both Gen Z and Millennials voted for Harris by a very slim majority.
For context though, 2024 was an terrible year for incumbents due to the global economic and political situation that has incredibly destabilised from 2020 onwards. Unfortunately for the Democrats, they happened to be the incumbents this time around and the fact is even if it weren't really their own doing, the Democrats are going to get blamed for the poor economy and the collapse of the geopolitical situation that happened under their watch.
In my country, the UK, 2024 was the first election where enough Gen Z where old enough to vote that they formed a significant force as a voter bloc. The result is that the Conservative Party that has governed here for FOURTEEN YEARS was basically wiped out. Our Left-Wing Party, the Labour Party, won a near supermajority of seats in our Parliament. In terms of voting trends here, 75% of Gen Z voted for a Left-Wing Party (Labour, Green, Liberal Democrats) while just 25% voted for a Right-Wing Party (Conservatives, Reform UK).
I don't think its fair to just throw baseless accusations around of "Gen Z males went out and joined the MAGA cult". The fact is that a LOT of American Gen Z where teenagers/young adults during Trump's Presidency when the economy and global political situation was stable, and then much of American Core Gen Z came of age and also began getting jobs, careers etc under Biden where the economy (again, not any fault of his own) was struggling and the global political situation fell apart. So, really, for a lot of them their only evidence to judge how to vote on was Trump's 2017-2021 term and Bidens 2021-2025 term, and the evidence that really affects the majority of people, and particularly young people (Economics) showed that they had a better time under Trump. Likewise, in the UK, Gen Z as a demographic almost entirely was brought up under the governance of the Conservative Party and a large part of them came of age under the Conservatives as well, which gave British Gen Z a different perspective when it came to voting in 2024.
Sincerely written, a disgruntled Gen Z whose a bit tired of his generation being criticized for being "Far-Right" when they literally voted for Harris and many had a very legitimate reason to vote for Trump given the economic and political circumstances of the time they voted in.