Anyone deal with feelings of guilt?
I manifested my SP to split from his relationship months ago and I’m pretty sure it didn’t end in the best way either because he got caught up with me, which I do feel bad about. I’ve never broken a relationship up before or desired to take someone’s partner so I hate that these were the circumstances.
It makes being positive and feeling chosen difficult since the vibe has been a little off when I’d see him. He seemed kind of sad/depressed. Then he went ghost for a little over a month, and recently popped back up. I originally thought maybe he was with her again, but he stated he was just very focused on working and not seeing anyone. It makes me assume he holds off seeing me because he is going through the motions of his split, which I can’t be upset about. I don’t want to feel like a second option but I know I only desire him, and I also know he has to go through this natural process. I’m just not sure how to go about things. Anyone deal with something similar?