(Meta)PSA: Don't. Overwork. Yourself. It's not worth burning yourself out on something you could be enjoying, so let's talk about that

All right, there's been a volume number of posts lately, of people experiencing the inevitable burnout phase when it comes to games. How people suddenly lose the urge to run a game, how particular genres of games don't do it for them anymore, they get tired after trying to chase perfection in the game and so on.

There was a post on this subreddit, a long time ago, that I felt should've been a sticky thread because it not only did a better job explaining about what I'm talking about, but it addressed the issue thoroughly, because I didn't see as many "I'm tired of games" posts as I do today. Least for the time that post was around. I feel dumb for not having it bookmarked or anything because I had a thought that it'd be a sticky post that'll stay.

I just, you know, what can we really tell you? You play a game for extended periods of time, probably hours worth and suddenly, you can't anymore. That could lead to the very burnout you're experiencing. Then, you come here for advice about how to deal with it and all that we've been saying is to try a different genre of games or try a different hobby for a while. There isn't a 100% effective remedy to just continue playing games despite the mental condition.

Brute forcing on enjoying a game is not going to help, because, that could make you irritable towards said game and now you may not like it and that could escalate into you not liking games. Before going off on some self-imposed exile from games because of brute forcing.

This is a subreddit about patient gaming. It's not only all about just missing out on being there on Day 1 release or so. It could also be about, taking your time playing said games that you missed out on the past. The only person that has control in managing these things is you and how you handle it. We have our own ways of handling these things and we can only advise so much and it can't be guaranteed that it'll work for everyone.

Games will always be around, to be enjoyed. They aren't going anywhere. Take a break, do another activity. We're right now, in the perfect time to be doing things that we keep blowing off. Projects, any episodes to shows that you missed out on, movies you might've want to see, a book you didn't read and maybe that backlog you can hop about to try getting to. So much to do while indoors and there's not too much of an excuse as to not be doing said things.

And you know, there is nothing ever so satisfying when it comes to games, than coming back from that said break and enjoying them again. Food for thought.