Help me find Forrest?

On Sept 11 2018 at about 7:15am I witnessed a motorcycle accident on 76 East near Montgomery Dr while on my way to work. A man on a motorcycle passed me and while weaving between cars, lost control and went down, flipping about a dozen times before skidding to a stop. I pulled my car behind him across the lane to stop anyone from hitting him and ran out to help him.

He was a man, black, kinda heavyset, about 25-35, wearing a green sweatshirt and his name was Forrest. His hands were fucked up and bleeding but he was wearing a helmet which for sure saved his life and is probably the only reason I wasn't looking at a corpse.

I talked to him, babbling incoherently really because I was in shock, and called his boss for him to say he wasn't coming in. I have no idea who I spoke to or what I said. I talked to him and tried to reassure him that he was okay and help was coming. The ambulance came and drove him off and I never knew what happened to him.

It sounds stupid but it was a really traumatic moment and kind of a turning point in my own mental health.

I've wondered for years what happened to Forrest and if he was okay. I know it's the longest of long shots but does anyone here know who I'm talking about or what happened to him? TIA