Not a baby person.. but having a baby đź« 

First off, even though I’m having a miserable time being pregnant (7 weeks), I’m incredibly grateful to be pregnant. That said… I’ve never been a “baby person.” I haven’t been around many babies, and the few I have been around didn’t spark interest in me. Honestly, I just don’t really like babies, and I know that sounds harsh.

But I promise, I’m a caring person—I have a huge heart for animals, I love volunteering, and I regularly work with various charities. I know I’m a loving and compassionate person, but don’t know why I’ve never liked babies. I’m also genuinely looking forward to starting a family with my husband. We’ve been married for 10 years, and it makes me sad to think it would only be the 2 of us without a baby.

Still, I think I’m nervous about the massive life change a baby brings, and I want to mentally prepare myself so I’m not completely shocked when the time comes. People always say, “It’s different when it’s your baby,” but I don’t feel that connection yet, and that’s kind of scary, but I am only 7 weeks & in the miserable part of pregnancy.

Are there any other “non-baby” baby people here? Please don’t think I’m a monster! I’m just trying to be realistic and avoid overwhelming myself later, especially postpartum.