Bought PS5 Pro from Vietnam

This is my first playstation, wanted it since childhood but parents had limited money. Now since I’m financially capable, I decided to complete this long term pending dream.

Just married recently and went for a trip to Vietnam with wife and bought this PS5 Pro Disc version for 78K, everything with my own money (best feeling ever). Carried it in cabin bag without the box, no issues at Indian customs. Hooked it up to a Sony OLED TV and also bought PS Plus Extra for 1 year.

Wife was fully supportive of this purchase and promised me to buy my favourite disc games. We both play multiplayer games at night after office, it’s so much fun, even she’s addicted to PS now (pls suggest some good 2 player games to play with her).

Since it’s our first PS, we’re absolutely loving it. I’ve played some PC games like RDR2, Hitman, all the GTAs, but all were on low-medium graphics. Excited to play them again at full graphics and introduce my wife to the same.