Puppy has ‘accidents’ - advice on getting her to stop

Our pup is a year old, due to be spayed in less than a month if that means anything here.

Since we got her at 16 weeks she’s had a habit of weeing in one specific place when things don’t go her way. She’s completely house trained and has been for months, so these definitely aren’t actual accidents.

Essentially if we leave her alone when she’s in a particularly cuddly mood, or do something that’s seemingly annoyed her, she’ll wee all over my chair. We can’t restrict her access to the chair without making it unusable. She knows not to jump on furniture unless invited so she doesn’t do it when we’re in the room to stop her.

She doesn’t show any signs of needing the toilet before this happens. It’s not separation anxiety as she’s completely fine 99% if the time. It’s pretty much just if she doesn’t get what she wants she’ll pee on my chair.

How do we get her to stop this? Because beyond just crating her every time I leave the room (which is unrealistic) I can’t think of anything