Broke people stop doing these things!
I don't like to generalize, so I will speak about friends and family when engaging in my rant. The following are things that broke people I know do which will keep them broke forever. 1. Get tired of a perfectly good car and trade it in to be upside-down on a new one. 2. Take out a loan to pay bills, especially utilities. 3. Payday loans for any reason. 4. Fast food/junk food/eating out 5. Starbucks 6. Rent to own furniture. 7. Refuse to take advantage of food programs pantries because they are above it or it's for REALLY poor people. 8. Go out to bars and clubs because they "work hard and deserve it" or some other excuse.
I won't get on a soap box because I was one of these people. I borrowed to pay people I borrowed from, prioritized fun, refused overtime, but was too lazy to fill out forms for energy assistance or the food bank. I ended up loosing my house and starting over in an apartment. I changed my ways and lived a comfortable, frugal life. End of rant.