Will a $500 mesh office chair last long?

My wife just handed me $500 to replace my dying chair, probably her way of saying "Congrats on your new drone, but I’m still mad about it." (Classic guy problem lol). This thing has been through it all, working, eating, gaming and basically holding me hostage for 50+ hours a week. The cushion’s so flat it might as well be a pancake, and the wheels? The rubber wore off months ago, so now they’re just bare plastic.

I heard good things about great and transferable Herman Miller. but they also cost three times as much my first chair which cost me $50/year in at least 12 years warranty. A Herman Miller Aeron, brand new, would be about $125/year. So the question is which one will worth the price tag? should I stretch my budget for one that last me *maybe forever? It would be nice to hear your experience. TIA!