If anyone sent any deliveries to me that arrived today, the amazon driver may have stolen it, also i received a trap! Thank you!
Ive been getting a lot of deliveries on random days throughout the month, ive been meaning to say some kind soul sent me a live trap! There was no note but whomever you are thank you from the bottom of my heart, this was yesterday? Day before?
Today, i heard the amazon truck pull up, i heard the person walk up my stairs, drop something heavy on the porch then leave and drive away, i was getting dressed at the time to go and get it and didn't bother looking out the window, however when i arrived outside, there was nothing there, so please please please if anyone sent anything that arrived on december 24th, and report it as not delivered, idk who mightve sent whatever it was but you do not deserve to have your money wasted on a christmas thief