Why do you have eighteen cards!?
Of all the annoyances I deal with on a daily basis, this might be my biggest pet peeve: When a customer pulls out a wallet full of different cards and goes through each one individually until they find the one that has money on it. Bonus points if they're looking at their phone checking each one, wondering why none of them work. What's worse is the registers at my job can't split cards, so if they want to take just $0.62 off one, it won't let them. Sorry you need three cards to buy a single Black & Mild.
It just boggles my mind. God forbid they check any of these cards before coming into the store. No, they have to waste my time and let a big line build up running through their entire collection. Then they step out of line to supposedly transfer money onto one of their cards. Good thinking, right? Wrong. When they get back into line, lo and behold, that one doesn't work either. Ridiculous.