Feel like the issues with the shows are under discussed.
I don’t know if I’m just not tapped in enough, or if people are just too used to IP slop, but it feels like all the shows are only discussed as bad in terms of plot and lore, when on a basic level they have almost always been utterly lacking in much worse ways. With the exception of andor, they fail to be TV shows, and barely even stories. I don’t particularly mind if they retcon stuff, or if there are plot holes or such, but the basic fact is that as early as s1 of the Mandalorian, they have completely failed in the most basic aspects of filmmaking, craftsmanship, and soul.
Every line of dialogue is soulless, cynical utilitarianism to get from one place to the next, delivered by stunt casted actors made to make you say “oh they got him for that”. I do not recall one line of dialogue that could be described as fun, engaging, or emotionally true. In between, and taking up most of the plots are the driest action scenes imaginable. The plot just rattles from one to the next, incapable of sustaining even the lightest of down times. It’s like a story told to you by a little kid. “And then a monster showed up”. The camera work and lighting are especially dry, and manage to make even the intricate sets and backdrops feel dull and lifeless. The prequels had similar issues, flat dialogue delivered against fake feeling backdrops, but at the very least there was an inner earnestness, and a desire to say something. The shows didn’t even need to say anything, they just needed to entertain. At the very basest level, from Obi Wan to Mandalorian, the shows fail to sell the reality of their own premise. It’s just action figures bouncing against each other. It’s especially irritating because they had unlimited access to creatives, budget, and directions to take the universe in. It was all so incredibly versatile, and yet aside from Tony Gilroy, no one seems capable of making something on par with the weaker MCU popcorn flicks, much less an above average star wars show.