What's the smallest SILENT case? (downsizing from Ncase M1)

I'm looking to downsize from my Ncase M1.

Are there any builds that are as silent as an M1 but smaller in size? Had my eye on a Velka 3 but once started to research found out the psu get very noisy.

I'm very sensitive to noise :(

Edit: Thanks for all the replies. The Enhance 7660B 600W Flex PSU sounds perfect.

I'll be giving the ncase to my daughter. The Velka 3, or whichever other case I'll decide on, will be built from scratch. The pc will be mostly for browsing, movies and very light gaming. For this build, I don't mind lower performance, I just need to pick the appropriate parts to keep the build quiet.

What will be the quietest GPU for the Velka 3? Will a 3400G be much quieter than a 2600x or 2700X?