Anyone down for hiking, biking, tennis?, riding (motorcycle), or other outdoor activities? Also don't mind playing games, but I do not own the biggest variety.

Hello. I moved to this area for work a couple months ago. To be honest, I haven't really made friends expect for my direct neighbors I guess.

I wouldn't mind going hiking/camping. I've done a fair number in the area. Biking (I only have a mountain bike, but as long as it's just around town I wouldn't mind street/city riding). I have two motorcycles (a dual-sport and a naked). I haven't seen any tennis courts, but I wouldn't mind playing if anyone is up for it and knows where a court is (I don't doubt I'm quite rusty). I wouldn't mind getting into any new sports or activities, but I wouldn't know of any that are popular in the area.

As for games I play generally anything. For most games it is more about having fun or playing with other people than the specific game itself. I don't own a ton of games though.

I have an rc plane as well that I have been wanting to fly (at the bolin airfield), but I haven't gotten up early enough to beat the wind after I found a location to fly.

Making this post feels a little bit cringe, but I don't know until I try.