I don’t know if I can do it

I’m not very far into the remake (just finished the apartments section and encountered Pyramid Head for the first time), and I would very much like to continue and beat this game, but I don’t know if I have the guts. It’s just so lonely and oppressive and terrifying. I’m hot off the back of playing Dead Space Remake, Alan Wake 2, and RE4 remake but those honestly seem like child’s play compared to this. In each you at least have allies and frequent reprieve from all the scary shit—and the rules of the world are much more clear and legible, even in AW2. But SH2 seems pretty much unrelenting. It’s fascinating though, and I’m very interested. Can anyone offer motivation or words of wisdom to myself and others in this position?

Also: I unfortunately read ahead of time that James had killed his wife, but I don’t know any of the context like if it was a mercy killing or something. Have I seriously fucked up?