Baby wakes every hour

My baby is about to be 4 months next week. He’s going through the four month regression and has been waking every hour for a bottle.

He has never slept through the night before and the longest stretch of sleep was 5 hours but it’s usually 3-4 hours first stretch, then 2.5 then 1-2.

It seems like majority of his calories are at night or he has a sleep association with a bottle. During the day it’s hard to get him to eat unless he’s going to sleep because he’s not distracted.

Has anyone had success with increasing daytime calories?

Wake: 6:30-7:30am 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.45/2 Bedtime is around 7-8

He has about 4 naps lasting around 40min-1.5 hours. His total day naps are between 3.5-4.5 hours.

Bedtime routine is diaper change, pajamas, bottle.