Does anyone else like shorter, but more frequent international trips?

I see so many posts about 2+ week vacations, but not as many weekends trips.

Personally I love doing trips where you don't have time to adapt to the sleep cycle. I'll do a 3 day trip from the US to Korea or Japan, stay up late and enjoy the night life, but still keep my sleep cycle intact to wake up early for work. In some ways it's easier to go to a party in Asia than in my hometown, since it doesn't disrupt the sleep cycle as much. It's also great for maintaining friendships in different parts of the world when you see your friends more frequently.

I'm currently ia HND Tokyo after a 2 day trip. It's my 3rd time in Tokyo, and 6th trip to Asia in the last 12 months, plus many other vacations to eruope, and south America.

Anyone else do the same?