the schedule i want

  • wake up at like 8am to go to the gym with someone
  • after gym use sauna, steam room Jacuzzi etc
  • go out for lunch after with someone at somewhere with good food
  • maybe game for a bit or somethin
  • have a dinner thats actually good, like a stir fry or chicken fajita pasta (istg im so sick of always having to eat shitty food)
  • call my bf until bed and him be in a good mood lmao
  • sleep at like 11pm and dont wake up through the night

my actual routine:

  • wake up at 1pm
  • game till 4pm
  • nap till dinner
  • eat whatever my family is having (usually a shitty takeaway) or leftovers
  • call my bf and him always be mad about something
  • turn off all my tech at 12 but not be able to sleep till 4am then get woken up like 10 times throughout the night