What are your biggest issues with the Light class?

I'm generally quite curious!

The light class is what I would classify as a "glass cannon". Someone who can dish out a ton of damage, but die from a butterfly landing on em. I think generally the biggest annoyances are:
- Hard to hit (from invis, to dashes, to a smaller hitbox)
- "op" weapons - throwing knives, sniper, etc, etc
- User / Player error (lights not reviving teammates, going for kills > objective, running in solo and dying)

I'm going pretty general with these, and for argument's sake leaving out any "skill issue".
And I want to say these arent my opinions, I have my general thoughts on this and that but. I wanna hear what you guys have to say!

I think the light class is generally hard to balance as it is that glass cannon, high-skill ceiling class. But maybe if we can get a big discussion about different areas with them we could get it moving in the right direction!