Tell Me About Your "High Needs" Baby Turned Toddler

I guess I'm just having a rough morning and need some hope. My second child is what you would call a "high needs baby". Colic for the first 4.5 months of life, and at nearly 9 months old is still is still JUST. SO. FUSSY. Won't be put down, hates any kind of bouncer, hates the car, hates the high chair. The only thing he really likes is walks outside. We thought that once he could crawl he'd chill out a bit but no. Now he just crawls around the house crying.

Parents of high needs babies turned toddler, what are they like now? Does this nightmare ever end!? I feel like I'm going to snap.

Edit: WOW thank you guys so much! I wasn't expecting so many responses. It's been so hard these past 9 months, and this morning was just one of those mornings where I felt like I wanted to scream into a pillow - reading all of your stories has totally turned my day around! I can do this 💪