What are some smoking faux pas everyone goes through?
I started smoking in college about 3 years ago, right before meeting my first boyfriend who has been smoking since age 13 (insane).
I’ve been guilty of letting the cherry fall, blowing backwards into the bong (EMBARRASSING), accidentally drank a cup of bong water, dropped an entire fat bowl on the ground rendering it unsmokable…
omg edit: The bong water cup was for transferring the bong water to the toilet because I couldn’t dump a bong in a college bathroom. I had a set of cups. I mixed them up while high.
PS in the US even if a state is legal, most PRIVATE colleges do not allow marijuana on campus at all even with a medical card. State legality doesn’t really matter because of federal laws. I now know that my bong cup struggle was not as universal as I thought 😭