saying goodbye to my car :,(
I have a car named JumBug. She's a 2009 Kia Rondo and she is my first car! I worked 3 jobs saving up for her. First few months getting her, the world was out to get us. From a water heater flying off a truck passing 3 cars to hit us, to my neighbor hitting her when she was parked, and all the mechanical issues, we've been through a lot.
I started living in her on and off since 2022. My off times were during the summer cause fucking burning hell. But I knew I wanted to be full-time car living cause I hate paying rent.
I loved how cozy it was to sleep all bundled up with my stuffed animals. I would get annoyed by all the stuff I constantly had to move around the car, but that's just one of the things of carlife. I loved everything but the absence of climate control and space for a kitchen/cooking. I knew one day I'd want to switch to a minivan for those reasons, and the day has actually come.
I now have a minivan. I haven't started converting anything yet. the seats are still in. I'm scared of this thing lol that's so weird to say but it's so much room in here its making me anxious. this a big ass car! I'm so used to everything being within arms reach. I'm excited for my minimalistic build and the process of learning how to cook and wash dishes in here, but I'm not mentally ready to say goodbye to my JumBug! I love her so much. She's really been my home! She's so unique and cute and cozy. She has rain guards and really dark tint so no one can see my belongings. She has little potted plants on the dash, my plastic lizard named Alfred, and rocks I got when we took a trip to Arkansas.
Can't believe I'm crying over a car right now but here we are lol that's my baby fr. I always said I would drive her until the wheels fell off, but I know I can't deal with no climate control for this upcoming summer so the switch had to be done. But why do I feel guilty about it? I feel like I'm abandoning her.
How was your experience with your first car/first car you've lived in? Was it hard to say goodbye to it? How was it moving into a new vehicle? was it nerve wracking?
If you've read all of this, thank you. Huggie wuggies 🫂🫂🫂🫂