All of Nelix’s “weird looking foods” came from HK Market
Paramount studios is adjacent to Korea-Town, and specifically 5 minutes away from HK Market, one of the biggest Korean markets K-Town.
Every time we see one of Nelix’s ingredients or prepared foods it came from that market.
I recognized everything as Korean, and I always thought of HK every time, but I just looked at a map and saw how close they were to it.
EDIT: Here's picture from Yelp, of the self-serve salads from before Covid:
A couple things I remember off the top of my head:
When Nelix pulls the Leola root from the ground: Ginger (that’s an easy one)
When they’re storing Nelix’s haul, and Paris holds up an ingredient and shouts “Nelix!” : Dried squid
When Janeway sees objects from the holodeck on the ship and Nelix shows her the foods he served - I recognized everything but I only remember : cucumbers in chili sauce, and strips of squid in chili sauce that I think he called “Nessle Strips”.
(EDIT: The cucumbers are in the photo I added - they're the little wrinkly green vegetables, second from the right.)
Also in TNG, when the Klingon chancellor has a table full of Klingon delicacies and Geordie comes to get instructions on who to kill, that table is full of foods from HK.
The market, before Covid, had a giant self-serve area with tons of Korean “salads”. I can imagine a production assistant racing over and spooning a bunch of stuff into containers, and racing back.
Tom’s dried squid however, required shopping. Great market!!
(There are other markets but HK is big, has a giant parking lot, has(had) the self-serve and is on a main street - so it makes sense that’s where they went.)
EDIT: Here's the market on Yelp if you're curious,