Anyone else weirdly aware of potential birthdays, and how that aligns with your TTC goals/ideal conception date and lifestyles?

I want to stress that a healthy mom and baby are always first and foremost! I’m in a privileged enough spot that I’d never be disappointed with when a baby arrived, even if it was when we aren’t 110% ready.

That said, do you have a preferred birth month for your child? And does it align with your TTC goals? For example; I’m born in the first quarter of the year and I love it. 75% of my and my fiancé’s family is also born in the first quarter so maybe this time of year is just extra fun for us and we’re biased! There are studies that show that first-quarter kids often do better in schooling simply because they’re the oldest and biggest in their classes.

However, in order to have a baby in January to April, you’d need to conceive roughly within May to July. My fiancé and I’s earliest TTC date would be this upcoming November. This would roughly equal a July baby. We’re honestly considering waiting until April/May to conceive despite being ready a few months earlier!

I also wonder about postpartum- we live in a place where it’s winter about 6-7 months of the year. I think I’d have a really difficult time giving birth mid-October and then being cooped up in a house while it’s snowy, -25° (and worse), and dark for 60-70% of the day for the next 5 months. To give you warm-weather people some perspective, there are furniture stores here that allow customers to bring their dogs, and there are dozens of dogs in there at a time right now, just because it’s -50° outside and they can’t be walked outdoors, so going to these stores is a way for owners to get them out of the house for a few minutes. Now imagine being postpartum and you can’t even go for an outdoor walk for 4+ months! Giving birth between February and July would mean winter is much more brief, or is non-existent for the first few months. An April or later birth would mean I could go outside for walks with baby almost immediately.

Again, a healthy mom and baby at any time of year are paramount, but does anyone else consider this stuff sometimes??